Depending on the type of entity your are filing for, our processing and governmental fee totals are as follows:
- Domestic and Foreign Non Profit Corporations: $61.25 State Fees + $123.75 File Florida Co. Fees
- Domestic and Foreign Profit Corporations: $150 State Fees + $125 File Florida Co. Fees
- Domestic and Foreign LLCs: $138.75 State Fees + $136.25 File Florida Co. Fees
- Domestic and Foreign LTD Partnerships: $500 State Fees + $200 File Florida Co. Fees
After May 1st there is an additional state fee of $400 and a File Florida Co. fee of $20 imposed for all annual companies excluding non profits.
Included in our company service fee is one free online amendment to your annual report, as well as one free dissolution filing. These additional filings are valid only during the same calendar year as the annual report filing. To redeem any of these filings, please email
[email protected] for further assistance.